RIP + David Farrant 1946 - 2019 +

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The Human Touch Blog ~
David Farrant

Nocturnal Frequency Radio

Nice Autumn day today; things still fairly quiet though workwise. Second edition of Comic Book is still on schedule, and I have confirmation now that this will be ready for Hallowe’en. So watch out everyone – though you will need a sense of humour!

The second revised edition of my ‘Pact with the Devil’ book has also been completed, and just waiting for the printers. Can’t give too much away at this stage (or K will murder me as usual!) but I can tell you it includes text from a Yorkshire lassie that completely repudiates things she later said to an Australian cousin. The poor guy allowed her to give a written interview in good faith although had not realised that by the time she gave it the “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” had taken over. Nevertheless he printed it, but equally ‘nevertheless’ he had been well and truly ‘duped’! I say no more now, but the book says it all!

Just a little more news…Steve Genier has invited me back onto his Nocturnal Frequency Radio show this coming Sunday (16th October). It runs from 11pm til 1am Canadian time; which is 4am to 6am GMT and can be listened to here: [Link no longer active – Ed.]. If most of you will be in bed at this time (perhaps understandably!) the show will be put into the archives and thus downloadable about 24 hours afterwards.

Another guest will be appearing with me, but I’ll leave you all guessing about their identity at this stage. I can perhaps just add that I will be speaking to Steve about the recent release of the second volume of my autobiography which has proved so successful.

That’s it really, I guess. My new aide Trish in the BPOS has now started work with a mad enthusiasm. I hasten to add, that is not a bad thing, it is really pleasing to see somebody with such dedication.  She is writing a much requested book about the Highgate vampire case to satisfy public interest in her home country of Thailand. I wish her all the luck in the world in her project and so far have supplied her with basic – yet essential – material relating back to that case in the 1970s.

Anyway I’ll keep you up to date with more details on Steve’s show, but as it is 12.45am now UK time I better look ahead to getting some much deserved sleep.

For the moment everyone,



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1946 - 2019




From the vaults ...

A flashback to one of David’s comedic, profound or quizzical blog entries. Dive into the archives to find more gems. 

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